Story Updates

It's leaf-raking time! Melinda, Pat, and their friends have a fun day performing community service. Come join the fun.

 Boarding School Boyfriends
Chapter 5: A Day of Service
 Confessions of a Teenage Celebrity
Chapter 3: Crush (Part 1)

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May Update

Despite social isolation, I have had a busy month and I can't wait to share with you all the progress I have made. But first, a special announcement.


That's right. This month, I will be releasing my newest book as a serial on Reddit, Scribblehub, FictionPress, and Patreon. I will be releasing a chapter a day over the next twenty days. Subscribers to my Patreon account will be able to receive a week's worth of chapters in advance and will also receive a free copy of the ebook at the end of the summer.

What's the book?

Camp Piquaqua

Seventeen-year-old Ana cannot wait for summer, when she gets to co-lead the overnight hikes at her uncle's family camp. Sure, it means working with his brother-in-law, TJ, a boy her age whom she cannot stand. But she is willing to put aside their differences in order to have a fantastic summer.

When tragedy strikes, the opening of the camp is put in jeopardy. Can the legend of the piquaqua bird help Ana and TJ restore the camp in time for summer?

Check your favored platform each day for a new chapter and feel free to leave comments. I want to know how I can make this story better for my readers. Click here to find all the links.


Back in March, I mentioned that I would be posting Boarding School Beginnings on Reddit. During the month of April, I decided to experiment with a few other platforms. The series can now be found on Reddit, Scribblehub, FictionPress, and Patreon. Subscribers to my Patreon account receive chapters a full week early.

But that's not all.

Boarding School Beginnings is nearly over, but the story will continue with Boarding School Boyfriends and with that comes the release of the companion series, Confessions of a Teenage Celebrity. Since this story parallels the events in Boarding School Boyfriends, these chapters will be released on a less regular schedule, probably about two or three a month.


As you know, April was Camp NaNoWriMo. I had set myself a goal to complete two projects. One was a work I had begun in March and wanted to finish in April. The other was a work I had put aside and wanted to rewrite, recycling many of the words I had used the first time around.

My goal for the month was to write 37,000 new words, meaning none of my recycled words would count. If I managed to reach that goal, my stretch goal was to reach 50,000 words. So, how did I do?

Goal #1: Complete first work in progress. I completed that goal on April 8th! 17,281 words counted towards the NaNoWriMo goal.
Goal #2: Complete second work in progress. I finished on April 29th!
Goal #3: Write 37,000 words. I reached this goal on April 17th!

Camp NaNoWriMo April 2020
0 words37,000 words

Goal #4: Write 50,000 words. I reached this goal on April 28th!

Stretch Goal: 50K Words
0 words50,000 words

I declared an end to my NaNoWriMo on April 29th when I finished my second draft. Between the two projects, I wrote a total of 54,971 new words (with an additional 54,387 words recycled from a previous draft). Overall, I had a fantastic time doing my first Camp NaNoWriMo and I cannot wait for July.

During NaNoWriMo, I had a daily check in with other writers and I really enjoyed doing this. So, I am going to continue doing it. Each month, I will place a shout out to the Writing Community. Anyone who wants daily encouragement will be welcome to join our little shout-out party. So, search for today's message on the sidebar and comment with your writing goals for the month.


Last month, I attending a fantastic writing convention called WriteHive. If you missed it, most of the presentations can be found on their YouTube site.
I gained a lot of great ideas from that website, some of which I have already implemented and others which will be coming soon. I don't want to spoil the surprise, but look for a new tab in the menu in the next few months.

I think that is all for this month. I look forward to hearing from everyone on Twitter and the serials. Feel free to comment here, too.